Anna and Thomas Turner

Anna and Thomas Turner baptised six children in the parish of Colwich between 1785 and 1794.  They earned a total of £63 13s 4.25d from supplying the parish poor with cloth and haberdashery in the decade 1786-96 (or nearly £6 per year).  Their dealings with the parish were much more lucrative than those of their business rivals, Richard and Elizabeth Wootton, but the Turner family members are more difficult to trace in other sources.  Some of the payments intended for the Turner couple were sent via a Luke Turner, for example, but it has not yet been possible to work out the relationship between the men.  In all probability he was Thomas’s father or brother, or perhaps an older son not baptised in Colwich, but this remains speculation.


NB: this biography is a work in progress and will probably be amended in future as further information from vouchers and other sources becomes available.

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